SeedDMS offers lots of features, while being simple to install and intuitive to use. It has a wide range of applications from private document storage to enterprise use with strict and sophisticated workflow management. Users employ it for storing incoices, documentation, learning materials, emails, etc. Because SeedDMS is basically a very generic document management system without a focus on a certain use case, it is often not obvious whether it fits your personal needs or not. If your are in doubt if SeedDMS is the right tool, just drop us a mail at info@seeddms.org
Some of the features of SeedDMS are:
- fully web based user inteface,
- preservation of former document versions,
- users and groups management,
- external authentication,
- fine grained notifications upon changes,
- workflow for document review, approval, revision,
- conversion of documents
- access control lists,
- full text search,
- webdav access,
- multi language support,
- automatic tasks,
- lots of extensions available
Extending SeedDMS
SeedDMS can be extended by extension, but most of them are not freely available.
- integration of collabora office, tesseract (ocr), tika, etherpad
- conversion between different formats (docx to pdf, image to text, pdf to image)
- virus scan
- previewers and preview images for markdown, epub, exif data, zip files
- download links of documents and folders for external users
- download of folders
- upload for external users
- import from mail boxes, drop box, url, youtube
- trash can
- send notification to xmpp, matrix
- clean up of old documents
- spliting pdf documents
- reading embedded factur-x/zugferd invoice data
- make it behave like a paperless-ng server and allow to use the various Android and iOS apps for paperless-ng to access SeedDMS
The screenshots below give a first impression on how SeedDMS looks like.

Detailed view of a document

Folder and document list

Adding a new document with custom attributes